Tuesday, May 31, 2011

GG Infinite June Lucky Draw

This is a good news for all Gundam Guy (GG) fans out there to participate in this lucky draw. There will be 2 HGUC 1/144 Dreissen will be waiting for the 2 lucky winner. The rules is simple, just drop your comment in the given post at GG Lucky Draw comment site. GG just ask you guys a simple question, What is your favorite gundam series. Simple right? So, why wait? just drop your comment at GG's lucky draw, click HERE.

Monday, May 30, 2011

SD Wing Gundam

This cute little fella will be released on 9th June 2011. The price is 840yen. Info frome Gundam Guy.
Order one now at Hobby Search! Thanks for dropping by :)

Kit Review : 1/100 MG OO Raiser

A complete review of the 1/100 MG OO Raiser by Dalong. Already released and the price is 5,525yen.
 OO Raiser Gundam

 O Raiser

 Inner frame

 Some articulation

 Action poses

I think some of you may noticed this review kind of simple, yeah, it is, out of no where I'm suddenly lazy to upload many photo about this kit especially my internet line connection is not good! That's why it is done so simple. Wanna view more about the other parts such weapons, inner frames, comparison with other OO Raiser gundam, do click the link given above. Anyway, thanks for viewing ^^

Friday, May 27, 2011

MG Figurerise 1/8 Kamen Rider No.1

A new official of the MG Figurerise Kamen Riden No.1. This figure will be released on August 2011 and the price for this figure is 3,500yen at Amazon.co.jp.
Info and images from guNjap ^^

Review : S.H Figuarts Kamen Rider OOO - TaJaDor Combo

Review of the S.H Figuarts Kamen Rider OOO - TaJaDor Combo. Price : 3,200yen.
 Front/rear view

 Head/face with visor
 Can be attache with TaJaDor wings
Henshin belt


More info and other images of this figure, click HERE.

Kit Review : MG 1/100 OO Raiser Gundam

A review of the hot item which is just released by Bandai. It's the MG OO Raiser Gundam. This review made by Hacchaka. Price : 4,336yen.
Front/rear view
 Shoulder/arm/GN Drive
 Some Articulation offered by this kit :)

Option parts
GNR O Raiser-Top/bottom
Attached with GN Sword III
OO Gundam + O Raiser - Front/rear view
Some gimmick
Thanks for viewing :)