This is the box art of the dendrobium. It cost me only RM67! Got discount from Heng Kim ^^
This is the runners, 8 runners all together. I never thought that this kit is huge! Just look at some of the runners! But i still like it :)
Some details on the runners.
Did you guys see that? It means lots of panel lining!
I already starts the build of this kit. I will post the WIP later on. This is just an introduction to my latest kit. I just wanna sums up everything on this kit. Most of the parts is huge, and this much more easier to cut from the runners. Details on this kit also good. One thing that i disappoint with this kit's almost all WHITE! Well, it's okay. For now i just wanna straight build this kit and will do some repaint job later. Alright guys, I think i'm just talked too much :P well, see you guys in my WIP post ya?P/S : images a bit dark, lazy to adjust the brightness of the pictures :P