Monday, October 18, 2010

1/144 OO Raiser Gundam

Hi, this time I'm gonna share you guys about my gunpla. It's OO Raiser and this kit is awesome. For a small scale like this, it's got pretty good articulation. Eg: waist, it can bend side to side and back and foward. For the hip, it can widen it's leg almost 180 degree! For this kit, I'm not doing any modification or repaint job. I just snap fitted it. Well, just a collector and I don't really dare to modified this precious kit ^^. I'm just use all given material such as the foil sticker and just stick where it should be. To be honest, I kind of jealous looking at my fellow friends who modified their kit to a better one. Need sifu to teach me! Hellllppppp.... :P Enough with the talking, I'm gonna show you the kit now. Do leave comment or your opinion :)

 I will post the O Raiser later and the articulation that I talked about. Thanks for viewing guys!